I really have to dedicate this blogiversary post to the person who has been my inspiration, my blogging muse: my husband. A never-ending source of humor and unique situations, Husband never fails to shake his head when he reads this blog. And that is only when I leave it up on the screen for him. He and his faithful AOL browser don't know how to get here on their own.

But in spite of all the mild ribbing he takes here, he still remembered my blogiversary and commissioned this cake. (HA!)
I also have to thank our parents for raising us in such bizarre families and providing me with much interesting fodder, like appliances and furniture gone bad.
I don't have a million people visiting this blog, but I have been able to share my tales of farm kids and PR industry commentary with people from 47 states (Wyoming, Vermont, Rhode Island--where are you?) AND 37 countries. The most important statistic I found is that one-third of visitors have returned 50 or more times.
So thank you loyal readers and perpetual lurkers. Here's to another great year.
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